2 In 1 JAV-1023 Copper Tube Ratchet Expansion Expander In Inches ,JAVAC
To US-1023 , it's one 2 in 1 tool ,Ekhilotiko – Copper pipe expander in inches that can be used in expansion or expansion.
High quality lightweight aluminum alloy .
Quick cone change from extrusion to expansion.
Copper pipe mounting plate – Ensures the correct position of the pipe in all cross-sections.
Provides precise alignment when switching between different hole positions (cross sections) on the extrusion bar
The diamond extrusion cone has a unique so that when it touches the cone is allowed to turn when you turn the handle. Creates a perfect soft finish.
The expansion heads have a round edge ensuring that the heads do not turn , creating an accurate relaxation.
There is no diamond cone splitter on the market that can do the same with the JAV-1023.
Part No. JAV -1023 with the possibility of drains in the following 3/16" cross-sections , 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4